Navigating the Crossroads of Change

Key insights from two Charity Leaders

The nonprofit and charity sector stands at a pivotal juncture, navigating a complex and rapidly evolving landscape, marked by both unprecedented challenges and transformative opportunities. The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a catalyst for change, amplifying existing complexities and presenting new hurdles for organisations dedicated to making a positive impact on society. We discussed these issues with Kerrie O'Connor a charity executive who led complex change progarmmes and Shaun Le Geyt, a seasoned charity CIO with expertise in digital transformation and technology strategy.

Kerrie and Shaun underscore the critical need for strategic focus and alignment within UK non-profit organisations. They highlight the importance of a unified vision across all levels, operational excellence, and the seamless integration of technology into daily operations. Emphasising the significance of change management, especially in adapting to technological advancements, they note the essential role of external partners in guiding these transformations. They also address the challenges of remote working models and the need for face-to-face interaction, especially for younger employees.

Aligning Vision with Action

At the heart of this transformation lies the need for nonprofit organisations to embrace strategic focus and alignment. Amidst the myriad of initiatives and competing priorities, it is crucial to clearly define the organisation's long-term vision, ensuring its alignment across all levels, from senior leadership to frontline staff. This cohesive vision serves as a compass, guiding organisational decision-making and fostering a shared sense of purpose among stakeholders.

“Charities need to develop a clear vision for the future and articulate a compelling case for change. They also need to create a culture of innovation while ensuring that change is managed effectively to minimise disruption.”
Kerrie O’Connor

Achieving operational excellence is paramount for nonprofit organisations to maximise their impact and resource utilisation. This entails strengthening core operational processes, streamlining workflows, and optimising technology infrastructure. By addressing fundamental operational deficiencies, organisations can lay a solid foundation for ambitious digital transformation initiatives without compromising efficiency and effectiveness.

Bridging the Technology-Operational Divide

Technology plays an increasingly prominent role in the nonprofit sector, offering transformative tools for enhancing efficiency, expanding reach, and improving service delivery. However, effectively bridging the gap between technology solutions and operational functions is essential to prevent misalignment and failed implementations. Organisations must ensure that technology solutions are seamlessly integrated into the organisation's workflows and align with the overall strategic direction.

“A clear overall vision is essential, coupled with sponsorship at the right level. Sometimes, initiatives become technology-driven projects without aligning with the organisation's strategy and vision. It's vital to recognise that technology implementation is just the beginning”
Shaun Le Geyt

Mastering Change Management

Large-scale transformations, particularly those driven by technology adoption, are often met with resistance and uncertainty. The nonprofit sector, often less mature in its change management practices, needs to invest in developing and enhancing its change management capabilities. This includes building a culture of adaptability, fostering open communication, and providing clear training and support to employees.

“Many organisations have been running on legacy platforms, and as they seek to upgrade, there's a growing need for change management expertise. Skills related to people-centric change, preparation, ongoing training, and communication are vital for success.”
Shaun Le Geyt

While change management is essential, organisations may lack the internal expertise to navigate complex transformation processes. This is where consultancies can play a pivotal role. By providing targeted delivery support, expertise in change management methodologies, and access to a broader talent pool, consultancies can accelerate transformation initiatives and ensure their success.

“Trust-building is crucial when working with consultants, especially as they engage with staff at different levels. Open communication and emphasising that consultants are there to support and enhance existing efforts can contribute to building a positive relationship.”
Kerrie O’Connor

Adapting to New Working Realities

The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced an era of remote and hybrid working models, presenting new challenges for nonprofit organisations in maintaining organisational cohesion, fostering effective communication, and motivating staff. Organisations need to develop strategies that optimise these new working environments while recognizing individual needs, fostering a sense of belonging, and ensuring inclusive communication practices.

“The recognition of the need for face-to-face interaction, especially for younger employees, is essential. Structured team working days or project-based activities seem more sensible than ad hoc arrangements, fostering effective collaboration.”
Kerrie O’Connor

Unlocking the Potential of External Partnerships

As organisations navigate the complexities of transformation, partnerships with external consultants can provide invaluable support. Consultancies can assist in reframing strategies, providing delivery expertise, and managing change effectively. These partnerships can bridge skill gaps, accelerate transformation, and ensure that organisations are well-positioned for future success.

“Close collaboration and upskilling of the internal team during consultancy projects are crucial. Moreover, reevaluating procurement models, perhaps through smaller, phased commitments, can build trust and demonstrate value before large-scale investment.”
Shaun Le Geyt

The nonprofit sector must rise to the challenges it faces, recognizing them as opportunities for growth and transformation. By embracing strategic focus, operational excellence, effective change management, and adaptive working strategies, organisations can thrive in the post-COVID era, making a lasting impact on society and creating a more just and equitable world.


Article by
James Taylor
Alreon’s Head of Business Development, Operations and Digital Projects

Kerrie O’Connor - LinkedIn Profile
Shaun Le Geyt - Linkedin Profile


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