Strategy & Operating Model


Following the development of an ambitious joint research strategy by the ICR and the Royal Marsden Hospital, the ICR wanted to align their operating model to the needs related to the delivery of the new strategy. In addition, as a result of anticipated reduction in the invention income of the Institute, new sources of income and efficiencies had to be found to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of the organisation.

Our approach

We worked very closely with the ICR team, organised numerous interviews, surveys, workshops and regular working sessions over a period of 6 months. Our work started by working with the heads of research to understand their needs in relation to the new Research Strategy. In parallel, we analysed the future income (including Monte Carlo simulation for future drug discovery income) and expenses to have a clear financial baseline for assessing the various options. We then started an analysis of the competitive environment and a review of internal capabilities (benchmarking, capability diagnostic) to identify current challenges and opportunity areas. This enabled us to select with the management team the key levers that the ICR could use and developed the new strategy and operating model. The last step was to develop an implementation plan for the change initiatives, finalise the business case and risk analysis, and define a governance.

Our impact

The CEO, senior management and Board of Trustees have been very involved in the work and fully supportive of the new operational strategy and operating model. All the initiatives have been implemented, delivering new required capabilities to the ICR as well as generating cost savings. Two years after the start of the implementation, the team is now looking at how to further realise efficiencies in two of the nine initiatives.


Programme Evaluation


Food & Environment Strategy